NPS Industry benchmarks
for New Zealand

Learn where your business sits in comparison to your competition with our Net Prompoter Score NZ industry benchmarks.

This simple customer experience benchmark is an excellent way to uncover strengths and weaknesses in your business, enhance customer advocacy, and place customers at the heart of your business. 


Why do we create
and share these
NPS reports?

One of the first questions we are often asked is “What is a good Net Promoter Score?”.

Therefore, we’ve run the NPS survey question across the New Zealand market to find out how various industries are performing. We have collated a wealth of information so you can get an initial understanding of what makes a ‘good score’ for your organisation, in the context of your industry.

Ready to see how your NPS score compares to the rest of your industry? Download the Net Promoter Score NZ Benchmarks report here.